Saturday, January 30, 2010

2010, A Year of Creativity and Aspirations

I started the year with major knitting aspirations for this year. There is a 10 Shawls in 2010 knit-a-long group on Ravelry that inspired me to set a similar goal for myself. My goal is 10 shawls and here are some of my selections: Swallowtail Shawl, Clapotis, Frost Diamonds, Citron, Aeolian, Haruni, Woodland Shawl, Traveling Woman, Saroyan, and Bitteroot. So far, I have completed Swallowtail (pictures below) and have started Clapotis (over half way finished), Frost Diamonds, and Woodland.

Swallowtail Shawl by Evelyn A. Clark using Knit Picks Shimmer Hand Dyed Lace Yarn in Shallows on US 4 Addi Lace needles. This was the most challenging lace project I've attempted to date and I really loved knitting this shawl. I substituted beads in place of the nupps but plan to do nupps next time.

Citron by Hilary Smith Callis using Knit Picks Shadow Kettle Dyed in Pacific using US 6 Zephyr needles. Finished this on New Year's Eve and love the simplicity of this design. I plan to make another one using variegated yarn.

Leaf Lace Scarf by Janet D. Russell using Knit Picks Shadow Kettle Dyed in Bordeaux using US 4 Harmony needles. This was a Christmas/B-day gift for my best friend and she loved it. In fact she was hoping that I would give her a scarf! I didn't realize when making this that wool yarn required such TLC so I also gave her a bottle of wool wash and care instructions. After seeing her wearing her scarf, I can't wait to make one for me too!

Clapotis by Kate Gilbert using Knit Picks Imagination Hand Painted Sock Yarn on US 6 needles. This has become my knitting project during my lunch hour at work. I'm around half way finished and am hoping that it will be long enough when finished.

Frost Diamonds by Stephanie Japel using Knit Picks Shadow Kettle Dyed in Atlantic on US 4 Addi Lace needles. This pattern actually calls for a heavier weight yarn, but I wanted to see it in lace weight and make a shawlette. I have finished the first chart and have started the second chart but the Clapotis has held my interest more lately for some reason, maybe because I'm closer to finishing it.

My other goals for this year are to try a cross stitch design by Heaven and Earth Design, specifically the All Hallows Eve free chart , and also read all of the books on my "I'll read someday" shelf of the bookshelf. The reading goal is partially a result of my considering the purchase of an ebook reader. I'm debating between a Kindle 2 or a Nook but cannot decide just yet. There are features of both that I really like but the newness of the Nook makes me nervous. Hopefully, over the next few months more updates will come out to fix the Nook's bugs and this will give me time to read through my thirty or so books that I have left as I read that many have had difficulties putting their readers down to pick up "dead tree" books.
Books read in 2010:
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Born of Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Born of Fire by Sherrilyn Kenyon (currently reading)

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