Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sony Pocket Reader = LOVE!

Well, as the title suggests, I have been doing a lot of reading this week instead of stitching on Blossoming Love (I've finished about 1/3 of page 2). I finished Shades of Midnight by Lara Adrian and started Ashes of Midnight by Lara Adrian but am having trouble getting into the story. Luckily, I received my library card this week and am able to access the Overdrive online library system to "check out" books to my Sony Pocket Reader. I downloaded my first book Thursday night, Storm of Shadows by Christina Dodd, and finished it yesterday morning. The reading experience on the Pocket is like reading a normal book but better. It is so much easier to curl up on the couch with the reader and hold it comfortably. I've read complaints about the page turns being slightly delayed, but I had no problems with this whatsoever. The online library system is awesome and it is so easy to download the book you want, turn it back in, and check out another book. I've already started another book, Shadow Music by Julie Garwood. Maybe the novelty of the Pocket is what has me so interested in reading right now, but I'm looking forward to a long summer of catching up on my reading!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blossoming Love Page 1 Completed

I completed the first page of Blossoming Love this week and started the second page. I am really enjoying this project but probably will not be able to work on it much over the next few weeks as the semester comes to an end and all class assignments are due at once.

Here is a close-up of the first page (I really love the colors so far):

Here is my progress on the second page as of this morning when I set it aside to work on a research project:

Thanks for looking!